Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Grange Hall Burger FromMe2U

I finally got to try this burger joint on my lunch break last week. I was looking forward to trying the burger and also really excited to try their pies. They make fresh seasonal pies and have a new pie selection each month!

First off, I loved the atmosphere. They really nailed the country and farm style with communal wooden tables. Nice touch.

As far as food goes, yes, I liked my burger. Have I had better? Yes. The bun was clearly freshly made which is always a plus. I ordered sharp white cheddar with my burger which was not very flavorful for some reason. I do compare just about every burger place to DMK and this burger didn't quite compete. It was good. Not great. On to the fries. I have never been a big fan of steak fries, but I ordered them anyway to see if Grange Hall could pull it off. They were just OK. Not too flavorful and just a lot of potato.

Ok this isn't an entirely negative review I promise. I typically don't order dessert, but freshly baked pies? How can you turn that down.
I ordered the pecan pie which was quite possibly one of the best pecan pie's I have ever had. They top it with a generous scoop of luscious homemade whipped cream. The cream combined with the pie is heavenly. They make their own ice cream too, which I am sure is equally as amazing.

Would I go back? I'm not going to rush back for a burger, but I would stop by for dessert any day.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Balena FromMe2U

{Spicy Sausage Pizza}
I have been wanting to dine at Balena ever since June when I tried to eat here for my birthday. I finally ate here on Friday and let me just say wow. It was absolutely amazing. First of all the atmosphere is stunning. It sends off this inviting, trendy, vibrant, warm feeling right when you walk in. They have excellent cocktails here. You're making a mistake if you don't start off with one of their specialty drinks. I ordered an old-fashioned and it was excellent. The ingredients were muddled perfectly with the right amount of sugar. 
Most of the items on the menu are meant to be shared. We had a large group so we were able to try a good portion of the menu. First off, the pizza was sensational. The spicy sausage pizza with tomato, onion and mozzarella was heavenly. It had the right amount of spice - so good I could probably eat it once a week. We also ordered the mushroom pizza with fontina, taleggio, scallions and thyme, which had such a unique flavor. 
{Mushroom Pizza}
Next, we ordered pasta galore. The pasta dishes at Balena are brilliant. Each dish is so unique.
{Hen Egg}
{Bavette Pomodoro}
{Rigatoni Pork Ragu}
{Tagliolini Nero}
Each of these pastas were amazing, but the shining stars were the tagliolini and the the hen egg. The hen egg pasta was egg noodles with sage and brown butter. The dish was simple, yet having never had egg noodles in an Italian dish truly made this dish so unique and radiant. I have always wanted to try squid ink noodles, and the tagliolini just blew me away. 
{Grilled Prawns}
Lastly, we ordered the grilled prawns with finger chiles, grapes & aioli. I love prawns, especially grilled prawns, so I knew I was going to love this dish. It had just the right amount of flavor without dominating the flavor of the prawns too much. 

I would go back to Balena in a heartbeat. Can I go back tonight?

My only complaint is the service. Our waiter was not very attentive, took a very LONG time to serve us our wine and didn't check in with us as often as I would have liked. Other than that I absolutely loved my dining at experience at Balena and would highly recommend it!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Champagne Risotto FromMe2U

I have been wanting to make this recipe I found on Le Fork for weeks. I finally made it last night, and let me tell you this dish is heaven. First off, it calls for champagne so we're already off to a good start. So pop open the bubbly for this dish and have some fun with it. This dish is not too complicated to make, but having never made risotto it was a bit challenging. You first saute a chopped onion in olive oil. Once the onion is cooked (not browned) you add the risotto and champagne. Wait for the risotto to absorb the champagne and add chicken broth, 1 to 2 ladles at a time, until the riso has fully absorbed it. The key is to not the let the risotto sit too long and continue to add the chicken broth quickly so that the riso cooks all the way through.
We had 4 people for dinner so I used a lot of risotto. You have to constantly stir it as you mix in the broth. After the risotto is fully cooked, add peas, salt & pepper to taste, and parmesan cheese. Oh and dont forgot the poached eggs. That's what makes this dish all come together and it is heavenly.
The ingredients are listed below. This recipe is for 4 people so change accordingly due to how many guests you have.

  • 8 cups chicken broth
  • 4 tbsp. olive oil
  • 1 onion, finely chopped
  • 1 cup champagne
  • 2 1/2 cups Arborio rice
  • Salt & pepper to taste
  • 4-6 tbsp. freshly graded parmesan cheese, add more as needed
  • 1 cup peas
  • 4 eggs
  • 4 tbsp. chopped Italian parsley leaves
This recipe is incredible. Such simple ingredients but the combination is absolutely amazing. Go home, pop open some champange and make this recipe.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The Bristol FromMe2U

I have eaten at The Bristol 3 times now and it's about time I write a review about this place. The food is absolutely amazing!

I recently dined at The Bristol on a Sunday and had a wonderful meal. Always make reservations no matter what night of the week you plan on eating here. It's such a popular spot and is always packed! The Bristol is the perfect spot for a date. It's romantic, cozy, trendy, vibrant ~ not to mention how amazingly flavorful and unique the food is. Make a reservation and take your date to The Bristol. You won't be disappointed. {It's also a great spot for special occasions and dinners with friends : ) }

The monkey bread is incredible. I am trying to find the right words to describe it - it's unlike anything I've ever tasted. It comes in a tiny little dish and is so hot and fresh that it most likely just came out of the oven. It pulls a part so easily into these fluffy pillows of doughy buttery goodness. You dip it in this dill buttery goodness that just makes it melt in your mouth!
 {Monkey Bread}
{Duck Fat Fries}
The way the menu is presented it is very easy for you to share your dishes - that way you get to try more items on the menu. We ordered the steak and pasta to share. Amazing.
{Prime Wagyu Strip Loin}
The pappardelle is incredible. The noodles are clearly homemade and it is just the right amount of pasta sauce and flavor. The strip lone was very tender and simply excellent. The entrees did not disappoint!
{Caramel & Sweet Corn Ice Cream Sundae w/ Peanut Brittle}

I'm not really big on desserts. I usually will take salty foods over sweets any day. But this dessert I just couldn't pass up, it just sounded so amazing. The combination of peanut brittle, caramel and ice cream is mouthwatering. I can still remember the flavor days later. 

I thoroughly enjoyed dining at The Bristol. I think it is one of my favorite places to eat at in Chicago. The menu changes regularly so there is always a reason to go back and keep trying new dishes : ) 

Friday, November 16, 2012

Girl & the Goat FromMe2U

In order to dine at Girl & the Goat I made my reservations 3 months in advance. Yes, 3 months. I have been wanting to dine here for a year, so to say I was excited when the day finally came to try it is an understatement.
Girl & the Goat at last

Here are a few highlights from dinner. [Note: really wanted to try the goat legs (I know that sounds odd but it is "Girl & the Goat after all) but sadly they were all out]

{Goat Empanada}
{Quail Egg over Pork Belly}
{Duck Fat Fries - we ordered 2!}
Shiitake-caramel Gelato

I was very impressed with the atmosphere. Excellent dim lighting, intimate, trendy & crowded, but not so loud you can't hear what the person next to you is saying. Not to mention impeccable service.

Overall, I thought the food was good and very unique. For me G&G has been so hyped up that I don't think it really ever could have lived up to it. I loved the goat empanadas - so flavorful. The quail egg and pork belly combination was incredible. And of course the duck fat fries. I definitely want to go back as G&G changes their menu frequently, and they were out of a few things that I would like to try. For dessert, the shiitake-caramel gelato was very unique and a must. Where else would you find something like that!?

Make a reservation at G&G. Plan ahead and go. And remember to breathe when you get the bill and remind yourself of how flavorful the food was. Good enough that you'll be thinking about it the next day.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Rustic House FromMe2U

It's happening. I am about to write my first bad review. I can't believe it hasn't happened yet, because I can be tough critic when it comes to food. Last night I decided to try Rustic House, located in Lincoln Park on Halsted. Their sister restaurant is Gemini Bistro, and since I am not a fan of Gemini, I should have just had a glass of wine and went elsewhere, but I really wanted to try the chicken (their specialty). Has to be good if it's the specialty right?
~ Rotisserie Chicken~
The chicken was just OK. It was good - not great. But for a restaurant to claim that their specialty dish is rotisserie chicken it should be amazing. It should melt in your mouth and leave you still thinking about it the next morning when you wake up because it was that good. Because that happens. When I eat an incredible meal I can't stop thinking about it! 
{Blondie Brownie}
The desert was decent. I did not think the blondie was that flavorful. The gelato was pretty good - not good enough for me to return to Rustic House. It does have a very cozy atmosphere with excellent dim lighting and the service was good. But if the food isn't good, then I won't be returning.

Friday, November 2, 2012

RM Champagne Salon FromMe2U

RM is magical. Tucked back on Green St. behind Nellcote and G.E.B. the glow of the candlelight and twinkling lights immediately draws you in. It's almost mysterious when you first turn the corner down the alley on Green St., but once you enter RM, well all I can say is it's magical. It has this swanky, vintage, urban feel to it. I came here last week for a drink before going to dinner at Girl and the Goat and was able to sit outside (probably for the last time until spring). They did an excellent job with the outdoor space. Its literally in an alley but you almost feel as though you aren't even in Chicago and you certainly don't feel like you are in an alley.

 Outdoor Seating
Indoor Seating with a fireplace!
I just came for wine, but they do have an extensive champagne selection which I will be sure to try when I visit RM again. This place is great for drinks with friends and perfect for celebrations. Its definitely a great date spot. Would love to go on a date here. They do have a menu but it is quite small.

I highly recommend RM. New gem in Chicago.