Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Soft Shell Crabs fromMe2U

Monday nights are my version of "dinner and a movie." I like to make a nice dinner and watch the Bachelorette. I thought soft shell crabs would be the perfect choice, since they are currently in season. Most restaurants serve soft shell crabs fried; however, I think they are much tastier sauteed.

Soft Shell Crab
We made seven!
Lightly dusted in a bed of flour
Ready to be sauteed
All crabs sauteed in a pan with unsalted butter & olive oil

Flip after 7 - 10 minutes
Crabs are ready to be served when they are golden brown 
Steamed artichokes for a side dish

I am not a huge fan of sauces, so I serve the crabs with a few lemon wedges. Sprinkle a little lemon over the crabs, and they will melt in your mouth. Perfect summer dish. Dinner is served and it's time to watch the Bachelorette!

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